Author name: Premkumar


If the given input is a palindrome, Print it as it is, if not reverse the string and print. Input : abcd Output: dcba The question is hidden with the meaning of not doing complex things and understanding them clearly. Answer: whatever the input, just need to reverse the string. Code:

Security Automation 101

What is security automation? Some of the tools that help to automate security Testing in CI/CD Sample Architecture in CI/CD including security automation

Sort Array Input based On Sequence

Given an array of input, print the value based on the sequence of occurrence Input :   [0,1,2,3,0,0,2,2,3,0] Output: [0,0,0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3] Code:

API Automation 101

What is APIs? What is REST API? HTTP verbs! Rest API Request Rest API Response What is API automation? Sample Request Sample Response Response Code : 201 – Created Tools used to test APIs Libraries used for APIs Automation

Re-Arrange String in sequence order

Give an string ‘abcd’ and an another string ‘efghij’, print the sequence in alternate order, if any of the string is ended, append the rest of the string to the other string Input :  abcd , efghij Output: aebfcgdhij Code:

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